Yellow Fest Vol. 1

Blockspell Startup Studio


Blockspell was born in an unlikely place during a strange time. It was the beginning of 2020, and we were getting ready for our grand opening. The world had different plans. The global pandemic took everyone by surprise.

We survived the worst part of the pandemic because we refused to quit. We had to make many adjustments, but we managed to do it. Against all odds, we had a successful first quarter. A few weeks went by, and in one of those strange cases of almost “collective telepathy,” we came up with the idea of Yellow Fest. We all knew we wanted to do something special to celebrate with the first startups who had taken part in our program.

So what is Yellow Fest, and why does it matter now?

Yellow fest, in essence, is a combination of a demo day and a celebration for startups. Five talented startups pitch in front of a jury and compete for The Enlightenment Award. We called our first event Yellow Fest Zero, and the main reason was that it felt like an experiment more than something we wanted to continue doing. That has changed.

We are happy to announce that we are getting ready for Yellow Fest One. This first edition will take place in Panama City, Panama. Five early-stage startups will be pitching in front of investors and competing for the Englightenment Award One. We are already in the process of selecting our sponsors and the location.

If you are a startup founder, here is how you can participate:

  • Create a 1-minute video pitch
  • Have your pitch deck ready (do not exceed 12 slides)
  • If you are a solo founder, get a co-founder!

We are technology agnostic, and we welcome startups from every country. For more information, get in touch with us, and we will be happy to help!

The Blockspell Team



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